About Us

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    Vision Commitment

There is a reason,


There are numerous challenges and conflicts when it comes to environmental protection. For this reason, we have made it to our mission to provide the appropriate solutions. Solutions that truly offer added value and above all results.

QSR Research is a Global Solution Distributor and is focused on innovative ideas, solutions & strategies in the field of environmental protection, sustainability & quality.

We offer our customers competent advice, but also the conception, the qualification of suitable manufacturers & solutions as well as the implementation of the projects, together with our partners.  Furthermore, we provide extensive acceptance & certification of the completed projects. 

Our Solutions Portfolio

Our solution and partner ecosystem have steadily grown through a strict selection process, so that we can provide solutions for almost every field of environmental protection and sustainability. 

Our qualified project managers ensure that the goal is never lost in the process, regardless of the number of partners and companies working on a project at the same time. 

A clear


With our limited, but clearly organized, and well-elaborated services, we ensure a clean, uncomplicated and with smart solutions packed future.

for a clean future:


get everything from one source

YES, we provide our customers with all solutions from a single source. In case we do not have a solution available on our portfolio, we can qualify the required manufacturers and connect them to our projects. 

This ensures the customer that someone is always in charge of keeping an up-to-date track of the running project.